Chakra Bracelet stack of 3

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Important: Please select the correct length of your bracelet before adding to cart. Simply measure your wrist in cm. For a looser fit add 1cm.: 12cm

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Yoga Chakra Stack:

Chakra Bracelets are a fantastic, colourful adornment for affirming overall, wholistic wellbeing. With every level being resonated by seven selected crystals, you are sure to feel the benefits tingling all over!

Associated Star Signs:

All Star Signs resonate with and benefit from Chakra bracelets. 



Amethyst: "The Crystal of Divine Connection"

Amethyst is possibly the most popular crystal on the planet. Their deep purple tones indicate their high vibration that powerfully stimulates the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. Amethyst crystals activate our higher mind and open us up to allow and receive of the Universal spiritual flow of Source energy.

Sodalite: "The Crystal of Understanding"

Sodalite resonates with the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, empowering our ability to perceive reality on a more wholistic level. We can then communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions with greater clarity. At the same time Sodalite increases our ability to receive the personal truths of others with understanding and insight.

Blue Howlite: "The Crystal of Deep Calm"

Also known as a guardian stone, Howlite crystals can promote states of profound calm through harmonising and balancing our energies on all levels. Blue Howlite crystals are commonly associated with the Throat Chakra and therefore with strengthening our ability to communicate with honesty, grace and love. 

Adventurine: "The Crystal of Balance"

Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer, used to clear, activate and protect the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm. It opens the heart to give and receive Love and promotes feelings of contentment and joy.

Citrine: "The Crystal of Abundance"

Associated with the infinite, golden radiance of the Sun, Citrine is famous for being a stone of abundance. It stimulates our Solar Plexus Chakra, activating an inner radiance that fills our auric feild with an abundant energy. This personal abundance can then attract new opportunities, enjoyable circumstances and unexpected blessings.

Carnelian: "The Crystal of Courage"

Excellent for raising low energy levels and spurring lethargy into action, Carnelian's has a stimulating affect on our Sacral Chakra. It is also known to boost one's confidence and promote fertility, creativity and sensuality.

Red Coral: "The Tribal Bead"

For centuries, red coral has been treasured as a sacred adornment in Tibetan and Native American ceremonial jewellery. Resonating with the Base Chakra, Red Coral activates a deep and strong connection to the Earth, the Sacred Feminine, and ancient tribal wisdoms.