White Lions Essential Oil Perfume

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 About Kylee's White Lions Perfume:

A wonderful fragrance to enhance your day or evening, Kylee's White Lions Perfume has a very clear, pure, high vibration that is intended to serve the restoration of your Sovereignty and inspire the magnificence of your true nature to emerge and roar- with Love!

White Lions have been part of African folklore since prehistoric times and are said to be children of the Sun God, sent to Earth as gifts. They started appearing last century, mainly in the region of Timbavati, where local indigenous Lion Shamans herald them as Ambassadors from the star Sirius, sent to aid humanity in this time of the great awakening.

The White Lions essential oil perfume is intended to embody the vibrational essence of these magnificent beings, as portrayed in Kylee's original artwork "The Journey Home". Depicting a pair of white lions with the star Sirius behind them, this image came about after a series of synchronistic events involving her portrait of the Dalai Lama, in which she was introduced to the existence of the white lions of Timbavati. There was an immediate, powerful and undeniable soul recognition of their presence and the potent gifts they wish to share with humanity. We hope you feel their pure Love filling you with clarity and courage as you deeply inhale this divine fragrance!

Affirmation: "I am a Starseed, who's time it is now, to awaken and roar with the strength of Universal Love within my Heart."

Kylee's chosen blend of Pure Essential Oils:

White Lotus:


Frankincense is an oil spiritual awareness. It clears away any negativity for the preparation of sacred space, in which one can safely open a connection to your spiritual channels. It also amazing for the toning skin, is very effective at healing wounds and for fighting off cold and flu symptoms!



Black Spruce:

Carrier Oil: Premium, cold pressed, pesticide free coconut oil. It's like fine food for your skin.